John Calvin’s Theology (Part Eight) – Christ as Prophet, King and Priest

The name Christ, Calvin asserts, refers to those three offices. Calvin teaches that under the Law, prophets, priests, as well as kings were anointed with holy oil. Jesus fulfills all three offices since the Holy Spirit is clearly seen as anointing Jesus and heralding Him as a witness to His Father’s grace through these three offices.
Calvin asserts that God supplied an uninterrupted succession of prophets and doctrines through the old covenant, prophets which led up to the time of Jesus; Jesus, of course fulfilling those prophecies regarding Himself. As Prophet, Jesus carried further the doctrines of grace to God’s people and fulfilled the Law necessary to provide that grace for God’s people.
As King, Jesus heralds the Kingdom of God and declared that those who wish to enter this Kingdom must believe and repent. This Kingdom, of which Jesus is King, is the Church which consists of the whole body of believers. Calvin affirms this when he declares, “There can be no doubt that God here promises that he will be, by the hand of his Son, the eternal governor and defender of the Church.” Therefore, Jesus is the eternal King of God’s people.
As Priest, Calvin asserts that Jesus is our mediator, and no other is needed. Moreover, Jesus is a mediator who is without taint or blemish; a perfect mediator. In order for one to be priest, under the Law of the priesthood, one must enter the sanctuary (the Holy of Holies) with blood. Calvin declares, “For even under the Law of the priesthood it was forbidden to enter the sanctuary without blood, to teach the worshipper that however the priest might interpose to deprecate, God could not propitiate without the expiation of sin.” Therefore, the only one who could perform and fulfill such an act in all perfection and full satisfaction to God the Father, was Christ, the High Priest, King and Prophet of His people.
[Stay tuned . . . more to come! We now turn our attention to Calvin's Soteriology]
This is amazing stuff bringing out great things about Jesus. Would you be able to use some of this to answer how do we know Christ if we no longer know him by the flesh
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