Happy New Year!
The biggest event: Getting a much needed job after several months of being unemployed.
The most enjoyable event: Getting to go to one of my best friend's wedding in Georgia.
The most exciting event: Getting to go to game one (1) of the NBA Finals of the Mavericks VS. The Heat, and sitting 2 rows from the floor near center court.
The most needed event: Finally finding a church home after a year of searching.
The saddest event: Losing our long time church home and having to begin a search for a new church home.
Best book I read: N.T. Wright's What Saint Paul Really Said. I read this for the second time in 2006 having already read it back in 1998. This, and few other titles by Wright, have been very thought changing for me.
Best non-fiction (and non-religious/theological) book I read: Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road by Neil Peart
Best television show: Lost (no contest on this one).
Best Movie: We did not see too many movies in the theatre in 2006 so this film is chosen from our DVD selections that we saw during the year, but the movie was not a "2006" movie per se (at least I do not think it was released in 2006). The movie is Napoleon Dynamite.
These are a tiny handul of things that stand out from 2006. So, what are your "stand out events" from 2006? Leave some in the comments sections if you feel inclined to do so, and Happy New Year!!
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